Friday, February 7, 2014

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  1. Oxygen Yoga and How It Can Help Your COPD

    COPD is Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and is a severe health issue that affects breathing and can prevent a sufferer from living life the way they once did because they just cant keep up anymore.

    Effects of COPD

    With COPD, breathing becomes a chore and patients often become easily winded. This causes a great amount of anxiety or fear since we obviously need air to breathe and function. Many sufferers of COPD will be diagnosed with depression and anxiety due to the fact that they cannot participate in everyday activities anymore without becoming winded. Due to inactivity, their lungs become weaker until they are able to strengthen them again.

    What is Oxygen Yoga?

    Oxygen Yoga is a practice of deep breathing in a room that is well oxygenated and free from any toxins or impurities. Some people choose to meditate in these rooms or practice yoga stretching exercises. Whichever method you choose, be sure to be taking deep breaths of this clean, pure air to get the maximum benefit.

    COPD and Oxygen Yoga

    Some practitioners of Oxygen Yoga that have COPD have found that it has improved their breathing ability and increased the independent activities that can do. If you are fed up with COPD ruling your life and want to try to regain control then consider the following breathing exercises while in an oxygenated room.

    #1: Diaphragmatic Breathing

    Start by relaxing your neck and shoulders because this could prevent this exercise from helping you if you are too tense.

    Breathing requires more than just the lungs. The process of inhaling and exhaling required the use of the neck, shoulders, back, and diaphragm as well. With COPD, these generally become weak so this exercise will help to strengthen them again.

    Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. Relax your shoulders and put one hand over your chest and one on your stomach. Inhale through your nose for two seconds then ensure your stomach moves outward (as opposed to just your chest moving outward). When you exhale, you should exhale slowly through pursed lips all the while pressing gently on your stomach area to help push the air out. You don’t need to push hard or this could actually hinder your progress.

    #2: Pursed Lip Breathing

    Relax your shoulders and neck muscles before starting this exercise.

    Inhale through your nose. Pucker your lips (also known as pursing your lips) and exhale slowly. This actually improves your breathing long term if you practice this often because it helps to rid your lungs of stale air that may be trapped down there. This improves the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body and helps to retrain your body to breathe again because you are strengthening muscles that have not been used regularly in a while.

    Both of these exercises are beneficial because you are retraining your muscles in a relaxing way without overexerting yourself physically, like you would with strenuous exercise.

  2. A great way to clear your mind and to relax your mood is by doing Yoga. What seemed like a trend just a few years ago is now a mainstream program that many people are taking part in each and every day. There are huge advantages to doing Yoga as well but one of the best ways to take part in Yoga is by doing Oxygen Yoga. Learn to breathe better and more with Oxygen Yoga. You can get the Oxygen Yoga Books now for a limited time and you can start improving your health related issues and improve your focus. Get the Oxygen Yoga book here.
